Blessing in Disguise

Few months ago, I decided to have an out of the country trip to celebrate my 30 years of existence. Almost everyday, I kept on looking for a budget trip that is good for at least 4-5 days. Then, someone told me if I want to avail low cost fare, check out FlyDubai Airlines (click the link for the cheapest airfare). Upon checking, I found what I've been  looking for.😍😃🙆 So I told myself, "Welp, why not give it a go?".

Full of eagerness and enthusiasm, I started to plan my itineraries for my post-Birthday trip (albeit, I haven't availed yet my plane ticket, haha.)   😃😃😁 I did my research through reading blogs, search for the must-go places, food to gobble up, and taste their world-class, traditionally-made wine. After gathering and organizing everything, I enter the last phase of my preparation, and is the most crucial of all, applying for vacation leave (talking about scheduling, duty roster and side tasks, and the approval). Sheesh. 

And so the god of luck bestowed on me that "the time has not yet to come."

The fare which I wanted purchase is no longer available. 😠😭😭 Hurt and disappointed, I felt my blood is running wild inside my whole system and wanted to flare up. 😭😭😭 "WTF!" After a few drama and a sense of melancholy swelling up on me, I prayed. I prayed to God to let His will be done. 😇

So it does.

When I almost gave up my plans, I remembered one of our church mate who recently had their trip to Georgia. Still clinging to the thought of pursuing my Post-Birthday trip, I browsed again to the Internet, keeping my fingers cross for a budget-friendly fare. Then, lo and behold, I found a perfect, low price fare! I was like, "OMG! OMG! OMG! It's an answered prayer! Thank You Lord!". But wait.... There's more. AIRFARE + HOTEL for only 870SAR for 4 nights and 5 days. You heard me right. Hitting two birds in one stone triumphantly is simply amazing, right? Hahaha! (check out the deets here) It is really a blessing in disguise because the last time I checked, the airfare only cost more or less 2000 SAR. WTH! With no further ado, I hit the "book now" button.

TADAA! This tix is good for 2 pax.

I cannot contain the joy that I felt after that. GEORGIA, HERE I COME!

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